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Dr Leena at MSL

The seasons are slowly but surely changing! And nature seems to have realised it before us humans. The almond tree blossoms are out in force and so are the rosemary bush flowers. The sunrise can now be detected just that little bit earlier in the mornings and what beautiful sunrises we have here in the Perth Hills. I never tire of them.

And so I suppose it is time for all of us to come out of hibernation mode too…and we have all

the right tools and expertise at MSL to help you do just that. What I love most about working at MSL is the integrity with which we are encouraged to go about pursuing our passions. All our consults happen in a warm and private environment and everything we focus on is tailored specifically to you. Life is varied, people’s circumstances are so individual. At MSL we will do our best to take into consideration all your concerns when advising about treatments and you’d be surprised with what we can help with.

I love listening to patient’s concerns and being able to tell them with a twinkle, that we can almost always help. Yes-we can screen you for skin cancers, remove lesions in the most cosmetically and clinically appropriate way and simultaneously advise on how to improve your skin’s texture and look and feel and reduce your wrinkle load, broken blood vessels, surface veins and remove sun damage. I feel so confident about this because at MSL we only use industry standard top of the line products and equipment. Our wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers are second to none and the same can be said of our medical grade face peels and Cutera laser with the sapphire cooled tip and the Endymed machine we use for both Radiofrequency Microneedling and Fractional Skin Resurfacing. These machines are not only the safest on the market but also designed to produce the shortest downtime between treatments while producing amazing results. All of your consults and treatments will be performed by medical doctors, like me, who are passionate about helping you look the best you can, in a beautiful, private and friendly environment. Because we are all human together. We all want to feel and look the best we can and safe and cared for. And we get that. People are our main passion.

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